
Kevin Myer Photography - photographer, portrait/sports/event/corporate photography, portrait photographers

Oil Paintings from Your       Treasured Photograph

Single Image Oil Paintings (includes international shipping)

**All paintings include up to 2 people, each addt'l person is $200**

16×20″ class: $950


20×24″ class: $1160


24×36″ class: $1370


36×48″ class: $1580


These samples represent the photos (left) and the oil painting (right) by the four resident artists, Zhixing Zhang, Ivy Lin, George Wen and Thomas Linn.

Oil Painting Package (includes international shipping)

**All paintings include up to 2 people, each addt'l person is $200**



- Up to 2 hour photo shoot

-Post-processing editing

-One Original Oil Painting

-15 full resolution image downloads (additional images available for fee)


**Square sizes available as well-please inquire**

16×20″ Oil Package: $1400


20×24″ Oil Package: $1610


24×36″ Oil Package: $1820


36×48″ Oil Package: $2030

**Square sizes available as well-please inquire**



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